Scam and Fraud Awareness


Some stats for 2002

  • Human error is at blame for 95% of all cybercrime and security breaches.
  • In 2016, only three industries accounted for 95% of all records breaches.
  • 86% of data breaches had financial motivations, 10% were driven by espionage.
  • Since the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been a 300% spike in complaints of cybercrime, according to the FBI.
  • By 2025, experts predict that cybercrime-related losses would total $10.5 trillion annually.
  • By 2022, it is anticipated that global investment on cyber security will total $170.4 billion.
  • Cybercrime data show that only 5% of all enterprise folders are actually safeguarded.
  • The.exe file type is the most dangerous of all malware file types that are delivered by email.
  • 64% of Americans as of May 2022 have never looked to see if their system has been attacked.
  • Microsoft Office files make up close to 48% of all harmful email attachments.